Lynn Schommer
3 min readMar 12, 2021


So Many of Us Can Accomplish Anything

Except this one thing: weight loss

photo by Lynn Schommer

A few years ago I noticed something about the overweight people I know (including myself). I noticed that many people who are overweight are also bright, accomplished and successful.

They can do anything.

Except one thing — weight loss.

We can do great things. But we just can’t do this one thing.

Maybe there’s something wrong with us.

No there isn’t! Just take a look. We can run classrooms, emergency rooms, families. We can act, sing, write, and build houses.

So what’s the problem? Well, we’ve been told to eat less and move more. Guess what.

Right. It doesn’t work.

Why not? Because it’s not that simple; it’s complicated. The human body is a complex system.

And each of us has a different, unique body with our own systems, experiences.

So I don’t know what works.

I just know what works for me.

photo by Lynn Schommer

I’ve tried many diets and ways of eating and I’ve spend years researching not just diets, but also health and nutrition. And I’ve studied about the brain. For myself.

I learned that I can’t find the perfect diet. I can find a diet that works for me and that it may not work forever.

I learned that using a series of diets that are based on science works for me.

I found out that in each of these diets I find parts that when combined with parts of other diets, works.

I learned that the best diets have several parts in common. The research on weight loss has improved and gives us some answers.

Right now I’m on what I like to call my Keto/Mediterranean Diet. It’s working for me and seems like the best way to continue. Noom comes in to play here because of its focus on psychology and brain research.

But what’s right for you? Well, research the best current diets out there. Try stuff, but make it work for you. Go for research, not fads. Remember it’s your body. You know it best.

And here’s a link to Shannon Ashley’s article about her struggle with weight and her take on intuitive eating. She has convinced me to take a look at food freedom.

So go easy on yourself. Research. Try things that make sense and are comfortable for you. You might even be comfortable with a challenge. But not with shame and struggle. Write or have in your head a list of all the things you are accomplishing. We can do so many things, so we can do this, too.



Lynn Schommer

I love reading, writing, and giving advice on small matters. I live in a place where I can get the benefits of nature every day.